Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
You know how you know WE won?
POTUS continues to mention the speed of vaccines, ‘HIS way’.
If [they] had it their way, we would’ve been totally locked down for 3-5 years and the economy would’ve been decimated.
No rallies. No fresh air without masks. No shopping. No restaurants. Nada.
Having a rally like this today was totally bitchin’ and a massive FUCK YOU to the cabal.
Yep and [they] would have made them mandatory

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
LEGALLY they cant. that why he rushed them out. Emergency meds wont/cant be made mandatory. Demonrats know this. sooo know your rights. And as for Trump pushing it...it baffled me and made me mad as hell. BUT at his last 2 rallies he mentioned getting vax out but did not push it like he had in the past. I pay attention to that as that is my sore spot with him. He will NEVER say they are deadly....the MSM will run with it. It must come from the Drs/medical profession to stand up against these vaccines...not a vaccine but definitely a bioweapon. When Trump was in office..military had control of the vaccines rolling out. NOW not so much. they lost control of them......I hope the fuck they (military) are trying to get them out of distribution.

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!
It chaps my hide!! Why doesn’t he just NOT mention it?! I don’t get it! Children are dying or getting heart damage! People are dying! Enough is enough with this movie! They should have locked the entire DS up by now! We have all seen them break the law for years yet they remain untouchable!

Many vaccines are harmful to some people... I think the covid vaccine has higher numbers because it never went through proper testing and refinement. I believe the masks were a test and so is the Covid vaccine. How many people will mask up because [we] tell them?.. Next step, how many people will inject a DNA altering drug into there body because [we] tell them?
The next virus and its vaccine is what scares me. The next virus will likely be worse than covid, more contagious and deadly. People will be all about a vaccine due to the amplified fear. Right now, I think they are seeing just how far the majority of the population will go.
This is my gut feeling...

Right freetake and the fuckcin is also still an experiment. Who take this?