Q-TEAM Knowledge Bomb:


I’ll tell you why.

Who performs in a CIRCUS?


Who refers to the ALPHABET-AGENCIES as the CIRCUS?

David John Moore Cornwell (retired MI6 agent who coined the phrases Mole, Honey Trap etc) wrote espionage novels using the pen name John le Carré in the 1950-60’s featuring master of tradecraft super-spy George Smiley (referred to as having the cunning of Satan and the conscience of a Virgin) who worked for a fictitious intelligence service known as ‘The Circus’.

That’s how Q got to Clowns In America which is also obviously an acronym for Central Intel Agency.

(Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor,
Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief.)

Who can SPY on the SPIES?
Castle LOCK.

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Moving at Z Speed of Thought. The truth has only one master. All Timelines converged. I pledge to you all that I AM.

#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked

A close friend says when he is really high, and just cannot get done anything because he is just wandering around, or "CIRCUSING" that shit cracks me up..

Mom of 2 ...💙 Caleb Michael 💙 💗Riley Kathryn 💗 ... I have 2 Grandbabies 💙 Knox Bradley 💗 Kollyns Kate ❤️Patriot 4Ever❤️ Trump/JFK

Well, I am really really hoping its our patriot family watching my daughter and I, because I know people are constantly following and watching us. I know for a FACT they have been in my house.