Part 2 of Thread:
3. After the investment banks have a large enough stake of the residential market, they begin to monopolize the rental market. Because of the sheer size of their investments, they can dedicate immense resources to making every aspect of property rental efficient. Through lobbying/regulation/tax breaks, and these efficiencies, they will drive other landlords out of business. Those rare landlords they can't squeeze out will simply be bought out by one of their owned corporations.
4. Through their investment banks and shell companies, the old rich will have an effective monopoly on the residential rental and home market.
5. Universal Basic Income (UBI) will be implemented at some point during this land ownership transition.
6. Then the monopolists will strike. They will raise rents in areas they want to depopulate (suburbs and rural areas), and lower rents in areas they want to populate (tiny rentals in smart cities).