NESF Truth
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Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP

WWG-1-WGA "I know you won't believe me, but the highest form of Human Excellence is to question oneself and others." - Socrates

🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴

Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP

Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People


Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP

Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP

🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴
🔴North Korean Defector After Attending Ivy League School: Even North Korea Was ‘Not This Nuts’
North Korean Defector After Attending Ivy League School: Even North Korea Was ‘Not This Nuts’ | The Daily Wire
Famed North Korean defector Yeonmi Park offered a chilling account of her time at Columbia University, saying that not even North Korea went to the level of brainwashing that she witnessed.

Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP
Part 5 (of 5) of thread
The End Game
We'll be left with a world where the old money elites own and control everything, and everyone else is a renter of their property at company store prices. Upward mobility will be nearly impossible to do as a small business owner, because the monopolies will crush small businesses. The only avenue for upwards mobility will be through the corporate ladder, within corporations owned and controlled by the elites. That's the likely future.

Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP
Part 4 of thread
Transportation is the last. Electric transportation will continue to receive outsized government subsidies, and the price of vehicles will skyrocket (the old money already controls the car manufacturers all the way up the supply chain to the companies digging raw materials out of the ground). 99% of the people living in the overpopulated "smart cities" will, like in Manhattan or London, realize that it simply makes more sense to "rent" an electric vehicle rather than own one. The smart-cities will be designed around a vehicle rental model, there will not be private parking built into the infrastructure.

Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP
Part 3 of thread
That's their plan with property. They will monopolize the residential real-estate market and repopulate everyone to urban smart cities through price fixing. The UBI + prevailing wage will easily pay for the rent in a smart-city pod, but will not cover the cost of traditional home rental or ownership. The smart-cities will NOT accommodate private vehicle ownership, but will be designed around vehicle rental. More on this later.
The Food Supply
Gates and friends are buying up all of the farmland. Again, once they own an effective monopoly on land, they will fix prices. Meat will become inordinately expensive, either directly through price fixing, but more likely through a combination of price fixing and government tariffs on meat via tools like "carbon taxes". Plant based food and meat alternatives (e.g. bugs) will be dirt cheap in comparison. Again, through monopolies and price fixing, they will achieve their goals without shedding a drop of blood.

Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP
Part 2 of Thread:
3. After the investment banks have a large enough stake of the residential market, they begin to monopolize the rental market. Because of the sheer size of their investments, they can dedicate immense resources to making every aspect of property rental efficient. Through lobbying/regulation/tax breaks, and these efficiencies, they will drive other landlords out of business. Those rare landlords they can't squeeze out will simply be bought out by one of their owned corporations.
4. Through their investment banks and shell companies, the old rich will have an effective monopoly on the residential rental and home market.
5. Universal Basic Income (UBI) will be implemented at some point during this land ownership transition.
6. Then the monopolists will strike. They will raise rents in areas they want to depopulate (suburbs and rural areas), and lower rents in areas they want to populate (tiny rentals in smart cities).

Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP
🚨🚨🚨MUST READ THREAD- Terrifying look into the future by an Anon on 8Kun (not me).
How "The Great Reset" will be implemented
It will not be implemented with force; it will be done entirely with monopolization and price fixing, with tax assistance from governments.
Control of the residential real estate market
1. Blackrock and other investment banks (that are proxies for old money wealth) are buying up all of the residential real estate in various countries, but especially in the United States. They are turning them into rental properties. Article:
2. This buying spree drives up home prices. These increasing prices coupled with rampant inflation make it nearly impossible for anyone who does not already own a home to buy one.

Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP
Secure borders for thee but not for... me???
Pentagon Announces $150 Million In Defense Aid To Ukraine For Bolstering Borders With Russia | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP

🛡⚔️TRUMP | KAG | [Z] Citizen Journalist | 1Q49 God Crew | FightBack **🥊** 🇺🇲🦅 []

Irish ANON. Check out my red pill films I make for ANONS to wake up the sheeple
Freshly baked for ANONS...still hot
President Trump will return soon.
Here is the proof.
Patriots, new must see film 🎥
Election Deception Part 11 - ‘The Law of War’
A Film By MrTruthBomb
Election Deception Part 11- The Law of War - A Film By MrTruthBomb
In this film Election Deception Part 11 ‘The Law or War’ we will look at how president Trump has never left as president and what we are witnessing right now is a show as we have already won. HD VERSION ON RUMBLE LINK :…

Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP

Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 CodeMonkeyZ:
1. was able to put up 8Kun himself and keep it up despite the deep state wanting it taken down (oh, and it seemed to run through some DIA (military) servers...
2. Quit 8Kun just before the [stolen] election
3. Is working on election audit coverage at least
4. Seems to know insider info about what is going on by the bad guys in Arizona -
Exhibit A (of many)
The meeting was recorded?
There is a whistleblower?
What did they record?
Who is the whistleblower?
Who has the tapes?
Multiple copies?
Exhibit B
An emergency meeting has been called.
What does he know?
How does he know it?
Which meeting is he talking about?
Oh... That one.
(clipped due to character limit)
Are we watching the military at work??? 🤔🤔🤔
Telegram: Contact @CodeMonkeyZ
An emergency meeting has been called. —— What does he know? How does he know it? Which meeting is he talking about? Oh... That one. What are the probabilities that there is a whistleblower? What did we say in the meeting? What is the potential blowback if the tapes are released? How can we get ah..
Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP
⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [11.06.21 20:16]
Election integrity is of PARAMOUNT importance to our remaining a FREE country.
If an election is fraudulent or unlawful, our country loses the rule of law. Then we lose our freedoms.
There is a huge level of concern among We The People that the November 2020 election was fraudulent and/or unlawful.
Given the importance of election integrity to our country and its future, it seems to me like it would be an excellent investment of tax dollars to have the 2020 elections audited in ALL states.
What’s the harm?
We spend trillions of paper dollars on projects that are a heck of lot less important than election integrity.
Just sayin.’

New POTUS - Actually, I’ve been working on a much more important project right now! :)


🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴

Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP

Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP