Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
I have no idea what is going on but the last few days people who are considered trusted sources have been putting out bogus stories. I will not name names but these stories are pretty easy to verify as false. Stay on your toes Patriots because they have either been hacked or their true intent is being put into play. Anything you see about hostile forces or military ops be sure to either have them give something that verifies or you do it before you pass it forward. Stopping misinformation and panic is up to all of us. Please help us in stopping all the lies. We need to be able to trust again.
Godspeed Patriots.
Defender of Truth. Exposer of Lies. Patriot till Death.
Not understanding this isn't a time for games, is as dangerous as is an infiltrator. Immature or shill, makes no difference...
Both distract from the enemy.