Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
OK all strap in because it is going to get bumpy.
I may have just figured this all out. It depends on two things.
1. Trump really did file bankruptcy for America and it was granted turning all owned land back into the Republic
2. I have interpreted the laws in the laws of war manual correctly.
If both of these are true than I believe I am right.
If even one is wrong this fails.
The following three pages were written on the fly and may not be super fluid in reading but I do believe you will get the major points of it.
Please fact check everything , I am sure I have over looked something somewhere.
Love and Peace to all my brothers and sisters of the world.
you one bad really smart hombre.
Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Thank you. I really hope this is true. I would not have figured whatever this is out if it had not been for all the replies I get from great posters like you. It makes all the difference.
Just remember there is a President of a corporation and the is a commander in chief.
That is true and most of the time they are the same. This is something I have never considered because of the fact they are always the same. I will have to see if there is anything that separates them or if it is just an honor title. Nicely done.