Latest from codemonkeyz Telegram acct. MT
Seeking the Truth, Awaiting the Great Awakening, Banned on Twitter #FightForTruth #FightForAmerica #FightForTheWorld IFBAP
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 CodeMonkeyZ:
1. was able to put up 8Kun himself and keep it up despite the deep state wanting it taken down (oh, and it seemed to run through some DIA (military) servers...
2. Quit 8Kun just before the [stolen] election
3. Is working on election audit coverage at least
4. Seems to know insider info about what is going on by the bad guys in Arizona -
Exhibit A (of many)
The meeting was recorded?
There is a whistleblower?
What did they record?
Who is the whistleblower?
Who has the tapes?
Multiple copies?
Exhibit B
An emergency meeting has been called.
What does he know?
How does he know it?
Which meeting is he talking about?
Oh... That one.
(clipped due to character limit)
Are we watching the military at work??? 🤔🤔🤔
Telegram: Contact @CodeMonkeyZ
An emergency meeting has been called. —— What does he know? How does he know it? Which meeting is he talking about? Oh... That one. What are the probabilities that there is a whistleblower? What did we say in the meeting? What is the potential blowback if the tapes are released? How can we get ah..