True False
Did bad guys make Covid to end us all? Yes
Is this that Covid? No
Did the bad guys release this Covid? No
Is current Covid harmful? No
Does this Covid exist? No
How do we know Covid exist? MSM
Is Covid, the flu? Yes
Did Good guys allow Covid to play out? Yes
To show us all what our fate was & who the world’s ENEMY is
Did bad guys make a Vax to end us all? Yes
Is this that Vax? No
Did bad guys release this Vax? No
Is current Vax harmful? No
I see pictures & videos of people getting sick/dying, is this real? No
Who are these people? Actors.
Who is saying we need this Vax? MSM
Did Good guys allow Vax to play out? Yes
To show us all what our fate was & who the world’s ENEMY is
Could HCQ & Regeneron be in this Vax? Yes.
3.7 mil Covid deaths worldwide, is this Deep State traitors executed via Military Tribunals? Yes
Is Q real? Yes
Is Q Military, Trump or JFK? No
So who is Q.
Q is YOU

Just the facts; horse & dog lover; fiddle player; biscuit maker; artist
I am so bloody confused.........

Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.
this is bullshit. i KNOW people who have been negatively impacted from this jab. a family member ended up in the hospital for 10 days. my best friend's close friend now has MS. her brother - prostate issue suddenly. PLUS the protein shedding is real as i have been impacted by it (being around my dad who received both jabs) and my mate as well. some of your info is correct - but to say this current jab is not harmful is an outright lie. you are either misinformed or a d.s. troll.

How could this many people be actors getting sick and dying from the jab be real?To many people know folks who have had bad reactions and/or die after the jab? I do know for a fact that everyone I know that took the jab have NOT had any side affects from it. I have so many questions. This whole thing gets more confusing every day.

Nothing special to note, except for our strong defense of freedom and life

This is not correct

Thank you for this--so amazing! Certainly relieves fears of what the heck we will be seeing as fallout of the vax. Almost everyone I know has gotten it twice (not me or my family!) so I've been wondering who we will be left with as a global dieoff unfolds. I hope this is 100% true!! Godspeed to you🙏💞🦋🌏

Just the facts; horse & dog lover; fiddle player; biscuit maker; artist
first Ive seen this all layed out this way. Interesting

Proud American Patriot Family is Everything Seek the Truth #wwg1wga #maga #thegreatawakening
2 side effects of HCQ - both I have seen a lot in the news and attibuted to the COVID vaccine and adverse reactions.
cardiomyopothy - heart issues
vision issues
It is completely possible.
Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil): Benefits, Side Effects, and Dosing | Lupus Foundation of America
Learn about the wide-ranging effects of hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil®) in the treatment of lupus: dosing, benefits, side effects and rare complications of this commonly prescribed medication.