Gene Decode Show # 2 As You Wish Talk Radio
At the 29:37 minute point James says
“If Mr. T comes back into power and he’s pushing this jab thing, how’s that working out. You know to me always pretty much said it’s free will, it’s a choice, and I think he is up against forces so big that he can only do so much and this has to play out to educate the people, and no matter what he said before people just mocked it and ridiculed it and even when he did alternative things for himself. You know so a lot of these things have to play out, some people need some very hard lessons before they let this go.”
I take this to mean that some people are unfortunately going to die from this jab, to teach the others.
At the 45:40 minute point Gene says
“The trick that the predator did is give us their mind (the Reptile Brain) and the mind of a predator is morose and morbid but fearful that it’s going to lose its power and its food supply at any moment.”

I wonder why they didn't know the aster command was bd, we were warn they were evil!