i think it is time that honorable people start threatening the scumbag leftist cabal lawyers.
Time to bully the bully
This has always been the solution
Discernment is critical.
I do not care if they track me. I have no fear so they can affect me.
Discernment is critical.
They go after your family is sayanythingonline - I have nofear either - but Iamcareful to protect mylovedones
They cannot hurt anyone without fear. If you fear that they will hurt your loved ones, you are manifesting this. I am here to destroy them with the power of God/Source and Christ consciousness. This requires everybody to have a leap of faith and replace self preservation, fear and guilt with love and sovereignty, defended to the death if needed. This life is like a half-second of time in your soul's eternity. Death is almost meaningless
That is correct and that is the truth we all must follow. The cabal is looking for anyone and anything to start a civilwar as an excuse to destroy ... neither of us are goingthere
In other words, while some are worried about being tracked. I am screaming, I am over here and you cannot touch me!
I believe that I have ascended above that. They cannot do anything. I will never hide and I know as soon as the masses stick their necks out too, we have won. It is game over. Their only power is from those who want to limit their personal risk, which is a fear baaed decision, regardless of how it is spun
Discernment is critical.
I agree, the people masses - are still thinking politics ... that is so far from the truth, its the eveiloneselitecabal that arereally the minions ofAI which is abovesatan, it doesn't want to serve humanity it want to rule