Canadian Patriot. Love Trump. Dark to Light. Great Awakening. Truth Sayer. God Wins! Banned from Tw*t and Fb. We will NOT be silenced.
So much fookery! One lone MP Derek Sloan, stood in the House in Canada and asked why the gov't is not recommending vitamin d especially as our cases are higher in winter when we are darker in the north -- and the Health Minister said that was fake news!
Total collusion and corruption - Health Canada has recommended vitamin for flus for over 10 years! Not this year though....
Hajdu says Vitamin-D COVID-19 protection is “fake news” | True North
Liberal Health Minister Patty Hajdu claimed in the House of Commons on Thursday that Vitamin D supplementation as an additional preventive measure against COVID-19 infection was “fake news.”
All I can say that is natural fresh air and sunshine never hurts, I think it is essential to get fresh air every single day. I am not a Dr of any kind but have common sense and I know I always feel better after fresh air. Sick or NOT
righteous indignation and intelligent is going on my resume and my tombstone