CodeMonkeyZ telegram:
According to Jack’s letter, the ballots were loaded onto trucks as of March 1.
Why is there NEST video from inside the Maricopa County election center showing people moving ballots around on March 3?
Werent they already loaded onto trucks on March 1?
What happened on March 2?
Who had the ballots on March 2?
Where is the chain of custody for the ballots on March 2?
Did someone tamper with the ballots on March 2?
Did the auditors find ballots that were tampered with?
Do the auditors have absolute proof that they did not tamper with the ballots?
Mom, Granny, # Christian and #RedPilled for years . #GodBlessPresidentTrump #TheBestIsYetToCome
Exactly and I also want to know how private Companies like Dominion and Runbeck can prove they havent changed votes since they of course , have had access to the data and votes for the past 6 months .
Questions Raised About Maricopa County’s Non-Compliance With Placing Ballots Under Treasurer’s Control – Arizona Daily Independent
Although voters now know which companies will be involved in the Arizona Senate’s audit of the processes used by Maricopa County during the 2020 General Election, one thing not yet decided is where the nearly 2.1 million original ballots will be audited. But an equally important question has come up..