Dan Auito
@DanUSCGTrained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!

Teresa Champ
@tlchamp15Iowa girl who loves President Trump and waiting impatiently for all the truth to come out. Married to a Marine Corp vet...

@stormis_usVeteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • Trump 2024 Ordained by God.

Clarity CornerS..
@TRUTHERTRIGGERI have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. /3 John 1:4 @LittleMsClarity on Twitter / X / WWG1W...

Jon Neville
@jonneviI was FlyAnon on Twitter and Gab... Supports Trump, Transparency, Q, Rule of Law and Disclosure of Crime in Government.

Silenced Patrio..
@Timeshifter🇺🇸#Patriot #MAGA #savethechildren Defend #freedom #god #constitution family #wethepeople #unitedwearestrong

Thoris Szczerba
@PatriotTNO DM Please I am happily married #MAGA#TheGreatAwakening#Trump#GodWins#QANON#HoldTheLineDonald J Trump is my President!...

Patriot@ Heart
@PatriotAtHeartPolitical curiosity brought me on a much needed spiritual journey ThanQs to #JA #Digital Soldiers #17 #45 #SaveTheChildr...


Vijay Menon
@vijayQI’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA...

Christy Foster
@anzamomBorn Again Spirit Filled Christian who loves her President! Awake! MAGA Q QANON. Mom of 3 Happily married 34 years. From...

Teresa Hiers
@t2hiersI am a faithful follower of God, Jesus & The Holy Spirit! Patriot;Q & Trump supporter! Author of “Lady In Waiti...

David Alexander
@DavidalexanderGod fearing Patriot who loves President Trump! and Live, Work, Create , explore , travel , camp ,MAGA supporter 🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸

James Knellinge..
@Jamesknel5161I'm kind, lovely and special to those that love me and value me. Trump lover.

James Knellinig..
@Jamesknelfully Trump supporter. Single dad with one lovely daughter,I hopefully believe in God and no other power. God bless Amer...

Right Wing Rann..
@RightWingRannyHere to support my President Donald J Trump #maga #donaldtrump #trump #2022 #2024

Justice Peacefu..
@carpenterGOD FEARING, Thankful Old Carpenter, I stand for freedom our Republic. Took the oath to the Constitution, and will keep ...

jewelz loves45
@jewelzI want our real President back. Proud American patriot, wife, mother and nana.

@McmaculeyI’m one of the Soldier’s who believes in trump I’m a loving person, politics was never my field but I love the Man.Let m...
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Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more