Scientists warn of NEW TSUNAMI THREAT which could strike coastal cities such as San Francisco and northern CA with little warning.

Dan Scavino new follower count = 847 = QD 847
= WATCH the WATER + AS THE WORLD TURNS + BIG EVENT (TSUNAMIS are BIG EVENTS created in WATER as the WORLD TURNS in a specific way).

Slow drip... trickle... FLOOD...

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WATCH the water...Q

Will the coast be under a Watch situation?!? Evacuate? WATCH in all caps...😎. Watching Chernobyl situation also...fission detected in a non-accessable area...praying🙏

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

After researching, this is the ONLY article I can find that talks about this. And it is SF Bay and Tomales Bay in San Marin county, not the entire N CA coastline. Nor does it say it is going to happen, will happen, or can happen. Just that this is a potential theory that 'could' happen (if maybe all the stars line up and the fairies blink in sequence)....

Hammurabi - where did you connect 'watch the water' with California? "Watch the water" means numerous things and has never been directed towards a specific area before (predicting a specific area). Why toss California out there? You need to explain yourself if you're going to predict something like this.

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Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

Be careful with comments, you're talking about fellow Americans, Patriots and children that would be harmed. We could wish certain people were taken out, but a tsunami doesn't pick and choose. You're sick if you hope the whole N CA coast gets hit...reminds me of a terrorist mentality.

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Nancys SF needs a good cleaning😵