2013 TV show UTOPIA correctly “predicts” COVID-19 flu like pandemic that sparks the need for a universal vaccine containing the real virus inside it.
“Now we have what we want... hundreds of millions of Americans lining up offering us their arms.”
“Global warming, mass extinction events, food & water shortages... all of these problems can be boiled down to one thing... overpopulation. We don’t only have to kill to accomplish our goal,
we need to sterilize.”
“Humanity is the real virus and by slowing the birthrate in addition to killing off millions we can achieve the inevitable long term species saving goal of population control.”
How much evil has to be done before you do good?
They put the real virus in the vaccine for the
mock virus (Trojan Horse Greek Warfare 101).
Revelation of the Method (if you don’t know, look
it up). Welcome to the grand social experiment...
I just watched both seasons of Utopia. The similarities are quite disturbing - especially when they talk about bringing the population down to 500,000,000 by giving the vaccine that causes female sterilization. Just so many clues are in this show