Army brat lived everywhere! I call NJ home, but reside in NC Have 1 son and a granddaughter, my
i wish it would happen soon because Im not wearing no mask, they make me dizzy, I cant breath.

... to be a successful soldier, you have to know history. GS Patton. 👍🏼🇺🇸🙏🏽
...WOW, that was way to fast...had my head spinning.

since when is a bottle of water a weapon. COPS need to have psycological exams to be cops .

#God #MAGA #Trump #Flynn #Family #Cats #Horses #Happiness #MyLifeMatters
this is totally out of line. It's a mandate. Not a law. I dont wear a mask anywhere.

Love God,myfamily&mycountry, pro-life,pro-2A,anti-vaxxer,#FamilyIsEverything,#digital soldier,anon,mom,grandma,Godalways wins,JFKjrlives❤
thank you! That's exactly what i say. This mask shit has been proven to be of no help & in fact make you sick. They need to get off my freedoms & go take care of real problems at hand. Fortunately I'm in Texas & where Im at they aren't so bad about the masks here.

Christ follower. ✝️ Passionate Patriot. 🇺🇸 #TrumpWon #4MoreYears. Mother of only son whom I love. ❤️
There are NO WORDS to describe how angry this makes me. NO WORDS. IT IS time for a Mask uprising big time. WE ALL STOP WEARING THEM. WE BANKRUPT THESE ASSHATS.

See how offended the cop got?
the media clearly delivered only two meesages this year:
1) Trump is the cause of all of the world's evils
2) Anyone not submitting to irrational regulations is threatening your life.
just wow.

Creepy, but honest. Sweet, until you cross me. I can smell bullshit from 50 clicks.
I can't even watch this Gestapo crap anymore… Frankly, every single police officer that one against the oath that they took to protect the citizens should be relieved of duty never to be allowed to serve the community again. The last thing we need is police officers that fight for the government and not for the people! That was not the oath they took! They are not military but they act militarized! This looks like the beginning of the holocaust…

"It is not a color we are fighting, it is pure evil, which has no color, yet, can cause a person, to see red." -Sal
...and they have even found a way to convience folks to 'run to the box cars'👇🏻
'Many Americans have spent hours online scrolling for a coveted appointment slot, rushed to fill out the patient's information, and then, in many cases, felt the surge of disappointment when hitting submit only to find out that the slot was already gone.'

"It is not a color we are fighting, it is pure evil, which has no color, yet, can cause a person, to see red." -Sal
...and they have even found a way to convince folks to 'run to the box cars'👇🏻
'Many Americans have spent hours online scrolling for a coveted appointment slot, rushed to fill out the patient's information, and then, in many cases, felt the surge of disappointment when hitting submit only to find out that the slot was already gone.'
Biden balances optimism and realism about a pandemic Americans are ready to be over - CNNPolitics
While outlining his plan to halt the spread of the coronavirus last week, President Joe Biden tempered his ever-present optimism with a dose of realism about the potent staying power of this deadly pandemic and the fact that the nation's vaccine distribution system is a long way from becoming an eff..
GOD FIRST! Married & mother of 2 girls. WWG1WGA!!!!
Most of the sheriff's offices in CO came out publicly and said they will not enforce unlawful orders. They said if the place of business asks you to leave just leave

I am in CO, was anything published on which counties? I hadn't seen anything. 🙏

I am in CO, was anything published on which counties? I hadn't seen anything. 🙏

I support DJT. Mom to a Soldier a Marine and an LEO. Wife of a retired LEO. WWG1WGA. Want to do my part. My governor is an idiot.
gives the good ones a bad name

I’m basically a newcomer I have been doing this since May but I got exiled fromTwit so many times you would have thought I was a big threat
so cops can look the other way when people do awful crimes but oh boy look out if you are not wearing a face diaper
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