Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
maybe im just ungrateful or whatnot, but what is the wait for? if these are real, why tease the news of them, and not deliver? my kidney is failing, my furure is only going to be bright if these beds get released sooner, rather than later. we are hearing about all these glorious promises, and all we are getting is more attacks, more false flags, more fake government. this is not about being impatient, or going back to sleep, some of us are on a time crunch as far as survival goes. im hearing now that some people are participating in the rv, but us little people must wait longer. why? no answer
Same My Husband is 38 yrs old and needing a lung transplant because he contracted Silacosis while working. He is almost completely bed fast, we have 3 sons. He has 4 valves in his lungs and is getting worse by the day. He said if organs were havrvested the way he has saw he isn’t doing it so therefore these are his only hope. We need him its so hard on me alone. He is scared & so am I for his health. He is to young to die from working to not even have a home we rent and now barely scrape by... with the government in control we never win. I have faith he will make it to one of theze beds and The world will and is gonna be a better place. Trump is our President things are just taking a little longer. I do pray bightly because I know God is in Control and God always Wins .