Mar-a-Lago used to be a second White House, complete with bunkers and all, was refurbished by the government for that big world summit. Plus Trump named it “Winter White House”
Thanks for the smithsonian article.... I posted this a few days ago - Mar-a-Lago...
"On the death of Ms Post in 1973, she bequeathed the 17-acre estate to the federal government as a Winter White House for the use of presidents and visiting dignitaries. However, neither the Nixon nor Carter administrations were interested in using it."
"A Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) for communications with the White House Situation Room and Pentagon was added." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/trump-mar-a-lago-history-palm-beach-florida-b1780645.html
Mar-a-Lago Florida: Everything we know about Trump’s new home | The Independent
Original owner bequeathed property to government as Winter White House in 1973, but it was returned to family due to lack of interest