Lightworker ✨ Healer 💫 5D ✨ Awaken 💫 Family is everything ✨ Nuked 9 times from Twitter

Comfort who? The normies are feeling very comfortable with their house arrest, I mean stay at home jobs, unemployment checks, food delivery services and with the protection of their pseudo vaccines. And if, if, we ever get to Trump being reinstalled as the legally and rightfully elected President by the people, of the Constitutional Republic, the normies will say," I knew it all along." They won't be shocked. Hollywood, TV and the MSM has everyone desensitized to the horrors of drinking blood, torture, enslavement, kidnapping, rape and the fall from Grace of their icons. Just another day for them to get news of psychos and their behavior. The world out there seems very happy with itself. Go ahead, into town and see who is protesting what? Trumpers are having rally parties, everyone is planning for their big Memorial Day weekend celebration, the airlines are packed with travelers, many businesses can not keep up with demand for products and services. Did we skip over an event or what?

Lightworker ✨ Healer 💫 5D ✨ Awaken 💫 Family is everything ✨ Nuked 9 times from Twitter
We will see what the future brings and there will certainly be normies who will say that. But I don't think that's the majority of the population. I see it here in Germany. People are tired of the lockdowns and the restrictions and more and more people are not going to vaccinations. Frustration is high and soon it will really escalate. Especially when it comes to the savings, the car or maybe the own house, which will be taken away. The truth will always come out. Many people will be shocked and still wake up. These people need our help and not hate. Hate is not the solution. Not even towards the normies.
Our job is not to wake people up and save them, but to understand, forgive and still love. Even if they were blind. Every person has his own tempo and we have to respect that. 🙏

Um, no one said anything about hate.🧐 I was stating my observations. Also, the U.S. is a very different culture from Germany. We are very desensitized people here. I don't know what will shocking to anyone. Have you seen our news? Have you seen what Hollywood puts out? Its awful, very violent, scary, oversexualized and twisted. I bet if the Pope is the first arrested, people will be like, "Yes we knew that was a problem with some people in the church." just like they did when they learned of all of the Boyscout Leaders molesting boys. Sadly, the public didn't seem phased. The masses here will be shocked only IF the media tells them to be shocked. The normies just want social acceptance and go along with whatever the flavor of the day is. If/when the news comes out about I don't even know what anymore, if delivered by our Military or those that flipped, in a matter of fact tone, there will be no shock. Hillary is already all over our trash rags for being disgusting and no one cares.
I know that you have written nothing about hate 😉 I was just generally about the whole issue of comfort and that we should have understanding for those who then see what we already know. I get what is going on in the US and yes it is really horrible and scary. Whether what is already public is the full truth, I cannot say. In my opinion it is even worse. And that will perhaps shock some Americans as well. I think also in Germany many people will be shocked also in other countries. In Germany, for example, many think that Biden won legitimately, everything is great now because Trump is gone. Here, no one talks about the recount in Arizona, what's going on at the border with Mexico, the Oscar ceremony was of course a mega event, Putin is to blame for everything that's going on in Ukraine right now, etc.

Ah yes, in the US the viewership for the Oscars was down over 80% from 2014. People at large have been disgusted with the junk coming out lately and all of the Hollywood people supporting BLM and offering to bail the rioters out of jail pissed off so many Americans. Remember, the TRUTH is that Trump got about 80% of the vote, meaning Americans have had enough of the corruption and liked what he was doing. He truly is very popular here amongst most American voters- highest votes ever for a President. Americans are over the never ending border crisis. Illegals have been pouring in for a long time. No dem is admitting the hypocricy of the Biden's kids in cages, which Trump was blamed for that Obama set up. We have the brainwashed and those who see yet don't know what they can do to change it so go along and some active patriots. What is suppose to come out at this point you think will shock people? The only thing that will happen here is Trump haters will be mad. Just my observations.

Lightworker ✨ Healer 💫 5D ✨ Awaken 💫 Family is everything ✨ Nuked 9 times from Twitter
I am glad that so many people in the USA see this and are no longer intimidated or manipulated. Of course the "shock" will not be as big as here. I get it as it is with you and it sometimes makes me speechless how ignorant the MSM are here. Even though the situation is changing here and more are against the politicians, many are still asleep or just don't want to believe it... 🤷🏻♀️

Lightworker ✨ Healer 💫 5D ✨ Awaken 💫 Family is everything ✨ Nuked 9 times from Twitter
In the US, many people may be further along, but I see the big picture 😉 in the rest of the world, here the awakening will be very nasty.😞