I bet the deli lama speaks perfect English like bin laden/Tim osman does, both employed by the elites to dupe the public. Sorry to burst the Buddhist bubble of contentment, I know a lot of people are in to Buddhism but this is facts and not fiction. The fiction is what they show you through the sleepy friends leader, the oblong box of black magic in the corner of their rooms hypnotising them#SickPedoLama

Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
Just like Yeshua/Sananda/Jesus and christianity, the simple and powerful messages from Sadartha have been manipulated, changed, misleading additions made and wa-la, a religion is born!
Anyone not suffering from 100% cognitive dissonance knows that the book considered holy has missing text, (who knows how much or how little) is full of changes and deletions and was written several HUNDRED years after the falsely celebrated date of the birth of a man who NEVER wanted nor wants to be worshipped.
Now I wonder, knowing about the "looking glass" technology held by the Cabal for thousands of years (and now in the hands of the whitehats), if all the religious prophecies and much of the written scripture of todays bible were nothing more than seeing the possibilities of future timelines???
We are willing to accept the manipulation of history, why not religious history all the way back?
Ability by Anyone tapped into our innate power can see these things???
Just asking . . .no reply necessar
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Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
I watch Gene and am grateful for the intelligence he shares!
Thanks! I haven't seen this video.