Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.
I got a message...
"Patriots are feeling depressed and hopeless blah, blah, blah"
My response:
"They want to Give Up and have a#PityParty go with God...
I'm having the time of my life and enjoying every step on this path"
I think they need to do a#PatriotLuncheon...
They'd feel a whole lot better, if you ask me 😊
American patriot living on a rock in the middle of the Atlantic
some of us are under heavy lockdown and can't go out except essential food, everything is shutdown and under curfew.. Conversations are masks and injections, its horrific. We are doing everything in our power to be calm, some of us completely alone in our beliefs and we come to anon sites to vent, get support, share thoughts, etc. We are trying to hang on and hang in, its been a year an half of anguish. Some handle it better than others. My shoes are my shoes, I walk alone.
beautiful soul we are all here for one another. I We love you , we all know its hard stay strong. Reach out say anything