Why do you think Obama had#PhilHaney investigated 9 times! Haney was a co-founder of Homeland Security. Wrote the book "See Something, Say Nothing." He had it all!! They killed him off! (Claimed it was suicide) MUSLIMS = Holder, Clapper, Ellison, Booker, Omar, Thalib, Sarsour, McMasters, all of CAIR! I have been talking about this for 10 yrs. I LOVED THIS LITTLE MAN!! ---> https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=see+something%2c+say+something+by+phil+haney&docid=608027486412224089&mid=BF6998E65EEDC4BA8BB8BF6998E65EEDC4BA8BB8&view=detail&FORM=VIRE