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Even when she is not around her Voice is in your heart. Get still n you can hear her just like when you get still for the Lord. Anoint your surroundings with Oil n do place a chair across from you for the Lord. Sit with Him and lay your heart, your struggle bare to Him. Invite Him to take from you what you cannot handle n to heal you. Play the Word over you. Play real worship music that brings the tangible Presence of the Lord. I highly highly recommend Julie True. Clothe yourself in the Fruits of the Spirit casting off the Old Man in Col 3:8-17. Prophetically take off an article of clothing and put another on. This is a tremendously powerful act that can shift you and your environment. Above all you are not alone, use the chair to get to know Jesus, Holy Spirit and Abba more intimately. Let Them fill the gap. We Stand with you too. Bear Hugs Brother in Christ.