I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Masks, Lets break em down. 2 or 3 part post
The Rona is .1 Micron big.
N95 Respirator filters DOWN TO .3 micron.
Sugical Masks down to .5 micron (research varies / avearge used) (this also assumes 100% seal around the mask and all air must pass through the filter medium.)
Lets scientifically change everything equally.
We are going to multiply by 10 & change word MICRON to INCH.
New data to work with: Rona = 1 inch , N95 filters down to 3 Inch, & Surgical down to 5 Inch. This gives you a 1 Inch ball (Rona), that is passing through 3+ inch size holes of filter medium with no loss.
N95 is an ANSI rating...N = Not oil resistant and it assumes the mask filters 95% of particulate matter (not viruses or bacteria) down to 3/10th of a MICRON. Even if we were to upgrade to HEPA P100 filters, that's still 99.97% effective at the same size particle. What about the other 5% or 0.3%?

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Even if the gaps are .3 (3/10) microns, the virus is alleged to be .1 (1/10) micron. If Rona is present, there is not enough of a physical barrier to stop something that is .1 micron in size.

I'm an Industrial Hygienist Technician and have been working around all types of respiratory protection for the past 30 years. In the beginning, I tried to educate folks, but the programming is too deep, too effective. The only protection available is a self contained breathing apparatus...not even a powered air purifying respirator offers ANY protection. It's all a sham of epic proportion...Now we have solid evidence that masks cause irreparable damage, but will that stop these BRANCH COVIDIAN CULT MEMBERS? Sadly, and likely...NO.