Where do they hide the most important secrets? Where you are not supposed to look! How come that there was an international homeopathic conference over this weekend that wasn’t noticed by anyone outside the field? Because they managed to put tinfoil hats on everyone who attends these events.
But what if I told you that the British Royals have been using homeopathy for decades? It’s not even a secret but you have never heard them speak of it. Look it up. Homeopathy is energy medicine and can help heal deep illness/damage by influencing your field. The presentations were full of such examples.
Many posts here have been discussing the possibilities of energy medicine. But you didn’t know that it was right in front of you. In the form of strange blue tubes available in the vitamin section. Learn how to use them. Join a group. I’m sure that energy medicine will be improved in the future but for now it’s a start.