hi folks..just got booted from fascist book 🤬

God and Country! Twitter for over a decade, purged from FB. I hunt breaking news and crave truth. Blessed to be here.
Yup, they disabled our groups, banishing all Mods with more than 75,000 people months ago. It feels great, except if your my out of town Family.

I got a lot to say! You can interact with my blog, see my books and art.
hooray! that means you are free!!! free to speak your mind here

I'm just getting back from a week suspension. I think I'm going to let all the liberals stew in their juices for a while- I've enjoyed the time off. I have a few liberal 'friends' (they don't act much like friends though) who think I'm a nutcase for 'believing' in Q etc.- I saw they mocked the heck out of me in my absence. They just can't see the things we see, even if we point them out.
Tempting to not troll them today- but not just yet-
it gets frustrating arguing with their stupid asses! ha ha

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7
FB used to be my thing... until they nuked me twice...after being a faithful user of theirs since before 2000.
The first nuke came the day before the election. The next on the 20th.
I broke no rules and only ever preach God and Truth.
Though I lost a LOT... Im glad to be here. You will be too.
God bless and Welcome to True Constitutional Freedom