Maria Vox
1 month ago

Maria Vox

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W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

No help meant no interest. Though by now it is kinda moot seeing everyone will know soon if they don't already.

All I will say is prepare yourselves... this ride is about to get rough. And if you are between 18 and 26... dissappear... You've been drafted.

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

Hello everyone... Still here and working on something very interesting to say the least. So.... I may have new juicy bits of Truthanista mayhem soon! Seem I may have stumbled onto something that once exposed may sour a lot of tummies... if not cause a fare share of questions to arise.

Will you be here when I expose it? I guess we shall see.

Again. Wake~Up...Wise~Up...Rise~Up!

Praemonitus Praemunitus

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

I'll just leave this here...

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

BIG NEWS - Think about the ramifications of this. Then think even deeper...

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

Archbishop Viganò An Unprecedented Apostasy - YouTube

Archbishop Viganò guides the faithful on the current crisis in the Catholic Church, in a video that was cancelled by The Remnant at the Catholic Identity Con...

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

Since it seems ther is still life here I will not abandon you. Here is Breaking first hand exclusive news. Get it out there.... this doesn't seem much right now but this will lead to far much bigger things....soon.

Mine is the cat....

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

Hello all. I Am still here and if you would like me to continue sharing the work I do here instead of other social networks. Then...please let me know. Things are about to get busy and I'm only going to settle in one spot to give it my full attention. Like you all deserve. And that will be the spot with the most people willing to DO and interact instead of simply watch.

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

I have been unable to access my profile for 3 days now. Anyone else having this issue?

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

Warning to the people of Japan... do not believe this. Stick to Christ, HIS teachinga and words.

This is an attempt to soften Japans faithful into accepting the antichrist when he comes. None of this is true or real.

Have FAITH in His promises and teachings! Stand strong in Christ!

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

Today I woke up and looked at my FB feed and started to read a message. A poem. As I read I thought wow how much this fits the words I just shared a few days ago. Then I saw the writers name. It was mine. A FB memory for 2 yeads ago to the day before my Twit account was nuked.

I share it here with you now...

Soon and soon my friends...but TAKE HEART He has US if we have Him!

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

In my interview tonight I mentioned the movie the Cabin in the woods. Here is the article I mentioned with it.

I agree with the writer...but I will tell you as we here all know. The Rabbit Hole goes a whole lot deeper.

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

Rough interview but thankful for every chance to get the news and Truth out there!

LOTS more to come...Will have more info on the AMAZING Spiritual Warfare Music Festival coming on Aug 12th and 13th...This is going to be EPIC folks!

Find me also on...

fb - Anna-Maria Vox
Twitter - AnnaMariaVox

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

Big news for those who care!

MV is back to surfing the Radio waves here TONIGHT at 11pm EST!

You can either call or tune in via net!

Call 1-319-527-6208

Or log in here!

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

Big news for those who care!

MV is back to surfing the Radio waves here TONIGHT at 11pm EST!

You can either call or tune in via net!

Call 1-319-527-6208

Or log in here!

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

Ive been gone a while...but I am back

Lots going on...lots to tell you all.


W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

I see 421 of many of you here are sofa surfers...and how many want to finally do more?

Am I in tthe wrong place? Because I thought this is where I would find the best and more active of us...but so far I have been unable to draw anyone out since we all got here.

I see a whole lot of great people wanting to get their voices out but not a whole lot of willingness to actually communicate and work together in a meaningful way...meanwhile the left are right on task and working systematically to bring us down.

What are WE doing?

Anyhow...after being a Truther forever, a radio host and Voice for our beliefs. It was ALL ripped down the day before election because I HAD DONE TO WELL...THE WHEEL THE SQUEEKS THE LOUDEST GETS OILED.

I had my original 15 year FB account and a MAXED following...a number of years old extencive collection of data...and the most scary to them. A VAST network of both active and knowledable Truthers...Gone...(NEXT)

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

I have not forgotten anything but I am facing some major unexpected loss at the moment...I will be here and will continue. But I may be a week...please pray...this is very hard stuff to solo...

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

another link to 2000 Mhles for those having issues with the first

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

EVERYONE needs to see this!

Irrefutable proof the election WAS stolen and what we are truly up against. And it's much worse than most think...

Also it's why not...?

2000 Mules - Dinesh D'Souza (2022) Full Documentary Movie - YouTube

2000 Mules

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

I cannot begin to voice my thoughts on events since that jackass TOOK office. So Ive been doing little else than digging deeper down that hole. Deeper than I ever have before trying to get ANY answers to the insanity we see blooming around us

So Im still here and plan to post on it all soon... as I do not think I will be able to simply be a silent Watchman...But a Cryer once more....

Wake-Up Wise-Up and Rise-Up Before it's too late...if it isn't already......

Praemonitus Praemunitus


W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

Just in

Judge just slapped Smollett on the wrist and gave him 150 days only jail time.

If you followed the trial and saw what happened. You KNOW something is wrong with the legal system.

The Judge even KNEW how serious the crime was and STILL did nothing.

Just thought you would all like to know....

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

How many here are wanting some sort of live communication on the topics posted here and elsewhere in AnonUp?

I've noticed alot of people on our side of things like to parrot and sofa preach...But few are taking active steps and that's sad.

So before I waste my time putting something together for people who don't want it...I have to ask...who wants to do MORE than sofa activism?

I do not mean to do things the way they have been done. This is a meeting of minds...if you don't think they are not already brainstorming against us already you are still asheep...Wake up! Wise up! And RISE UP! DO MORE! Before it is too late!

Please either message me or reply if you want to know more.

God bless


W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

As I said... China and Russia working at their mutual goals at once to get what both want.

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

As I said... China and Russia working at their mutual goals at once to get what both want.

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7

Well well well...what do you know...

Seems the saying that the Simplest answer is most often the Truth...continues to ring true

W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7