Crazy how if I go to a restaurant without my phone and order 3 Makers Mark Old Fashions, then when I get back to my phone in the car the first ads I see across multiple platforms are for Makers Mark!? It’s almost as if the APPS on other people’s phones in the restaurant were monitoring our experience and using the data collected to more effectively market products to me (to say the least).
They don’t even try to hide it anymore [F9 algo].
I have just thought of something and then had ads about it start showing up on my phone! I knew our phones listen to our conversations but now I get ads without even speaking!
Jesus is my Lord And Savior Trump is My President #savethechildren
this has happened to me and others as well. so freaky
Pro bono for the children. Empath super power. Following our missing children since 2015. Due Process Auditor.Fed tort case # 7:22-CV-178-FL
WWG1WGA I am a child of GOD and only god for I-AM 9
probably done through location the smart AI knows the post code you are in and shows you ads from that area
Proud to be an American. Unwilling to give up my unalienable rights to the cancel culture. I support Trump's legacy and NO NEW WARS.
Or if you paid by credit card then may be data noting you drank at the restaurant, so maybe interest you in taking a bottle home/