3-Year Delta today for#1234...
There are 18 total 3-Year Deltas for 4.21.18 - https://qalerts.pub/?q=apr+21%2C+2018
There are no 2-Year or 1-Year Deltas...

Dman72 from twatter. Here because of VK and Koba

Law of War
11.1.1 Military Occupation – Notes on Terminology. Military Occupation, Military Government, Belligerent Occupation, and
Martial Law. The practice of conducting military occupation is very old, and the law of military
occupation has long been part of the law of war.
4 Military occupation is also called belligerent
occupation. The conduct of military occupation has also been characterized as an exercise of
“military government”5 or “martial law.”

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Daniel 7:14 *She will Hold THE Torch DOB ❌ 10/18/1982 ❌
Lets GOO

America will be unified again? NEVER, unless they plan to kill all the trash. It would be a wise, smart and good plan. A much better plan then what we are currently witnessing. Hate to lose so many good American Patriots each and every day they drag this out.
If what Flynn said yesterday is true, they could end it all right now. They won't, They are still searching for the will to truly end this and SHOW us justice. So brutal to witness.
Update: General Flynn 'the foreign interference is real, confirmed by our intelligence agencies, the IP back-traces are real, if I fought for anything this is the most important thing I've ever fought for, not for Donald Trump or for anyone else, for America.'
This should render the Maricopa County dog and pony show meaningless. Flynn says we have it ALL. Assuming arrests, perp walks, trials and hangings imminent. No reason to sit on this "hard evidence".

Evergreen on Turkish TV
Please READ the subtitles. Its very important regarding Evergreen and what is in those containers. Its all related 5G, Climate Change, Bill Gates, all the land that Gates purchased and so on. Drop #1279 27-Apr-2018: Define Evergreen. When do…
https://www.bitchute.com/video/6tv27HdDf8X4/Only followers of this user (@Cordlesssss) can see their posts
Only followers of this user (@Cordlesssss) can see their posts

3 year delta
MOAB incoming.
U.S. Air Force B-52's [Precision Bombs] have just deployed
to conduct operations.
R you ready to drop the Mother Of All BOOMS ?

Daniel 7:14 *She will Hold THE Torch DOB ❌ 10/18/1982 ❌

Can you help me decode a QD 904 i just posted it on my page....