About July of 2019 I began to drink daily, and I began to feel So Lonely, which was Odd since I had many friends, family members, and so many customers who were like Family. I drank myself right out of everything, and almost truly ended Up Alone in July 2020, I prayed to God as asked him to help me stop as I took my last drink. Then I just quit, I quit filling my glass everyday 7 days a week around 10 am with Vodka and redbull, which never emptied until about 2 or 3 am. It was out of character for Me, I drank before yes, but never like that. In a snap, I had NO interest in being drunk, God took it from Me because I ASKED from My Heart for help. What I realized was I FELT THINGS, like never before, and I believe this is what made me drink, I couldn't control MySelf within. I remembered I had received a message in Jan of 2020. I took a look back over the last year and half and things began to jump out at me..........👇

People are like onions: if you peel of a shell, they are vulnerable, they feel liked naked and start to cry about everything. But soon their shell
will be good again, to protect them > their inner regions. Often it is caused by feeling quilthy, even if it wasn't their mistake at all.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Anything I can do to bare my soul, and reach to others who are lost in that darkness. We are not Alone, and understand what is truly happening within many people now. That was just the beginning too 😉.................✝️❤️🏃♂️HOLD THE DIVINE LINE, Hold Your Lines in confidence always trust YOUR Intuition. 💪

Thank you for sharing your testimony, Jason. Isn’t the power of God absolutely amazing! I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia many years ago and was on medication that numbed my whole body. After being on it for years I tried many times to stop taking it but the withdrawls from the meds always became too much for me, and I would give in. It wasn’t until I asked God to help me, that I was able to stop taking it. Without him we are powerless. God Bless🙏🤍

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
God Bless You Always, Thank You for being Brave enough to share.❤️🙏

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Many of my struggles within led me back to childhood times, a time where things took place, things I had no clue were causing my life to spin in circles, a loop, same things coming around about every 5 years. I also realized that I began holding to my line with others more so than I had ever done before, and it caused some problems for others, but in my post-addiction state I saw them as liberating for Me. I noticed that in a very short period of time I kind of fast forwarded my life through some quick experiences, when compared to My Dad, its like I went through the same transition in Jobs, Volunteer Positions, Marriage troubles, Drinking, raising a Son as My own who was not my blood son, He is MY Boy, but in about a yr a checked all the boxes My Dad did in 15 yrs, and culminated in him becoming a preacher. Well I have come to realize I am doing the same thing Here. Once I faced my issues, I become free, felt the holy spirit within, and was gifted proof of God. You may be as I am.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Much is changing Now, and GOD will lift YOU Up if You ask him. Jesus will guide You through it All, just find that child heart within You and feel the love unconditionally that You once did, and then ATTUNE TO JESUS and GOD.#wwg1wga 🌎❤️✝️