I am so thankful to God and certain groups for waking me up last July. Always knew things weren't "right", so glad things with the evil ones is being exposed. This isn't in our time, it's God's time and things will play out the way they were planned longg before any of us were ever created on this Earth. We all have a story, we all are tired of the bs fake news and will be ecstatic ones things get back the way they were always meant to be. I love all of you Patriots and pray for our President Trump daily.

It was last July for me too! I am ready for the mass awakening. It's time.

Happily married lover of Yeshua, Q, and Trump! See 144 and 17 everywhere! God Bless you 🙏😇❤️oh yeah, and heart's everywhere! 💓
Ditto😁🤗Love you too! WWG1WGA!