I had a dream – I was beside Trump whispering in his ear I could feel the ‘Product’ in his hair it was stiff. I’m not certain what I said but he said it ends tomorrow, with that ‘Cat just ate a Canary’ look on his face. Then suddenly I was a fair distance from him outside, he was seated as I looked up there was a Harrier Jet above and an incoming Missile. I started yelling Mr. President over and over, the Missile came in and did nothing. It hit a wall and puttered out, much like that scene in Ironman ‘The Ex-Wife. Dream date 4/18/21 – ‘Tomorrow’ would make it 4/19. I haven’t thought about a Harrier Jet in ‘Never’ haven’t seen a movie with one and have never had a dream of Trump. Although Harrier Jets don’t carry troops I did see Marines coming down from ropes but didn’t see the craft. As they hit the ground one Soldier took aim high, fired several shots as if into a building. At that point I started looking for my wife as it felt like a fairly big outside gathering. As I s
At that point I started looking for my wife as it felt like a fairly big outside gathering. As I started to dash away a Marine grabbed my shirt with his thumb and index finger pinched together and pulled me behind him to shield me. I don’t understand it, not sure why I’m sharing but that’s it.