Anyone doubting the validity of Q should look at these 3-year-old predictions and the recent headlines that vindicate them ... (big tech influences election, biden/china, USA 4-sale, Flynn exonerated, 2nd DT admin??, election theft, biden impeachment) ...ZERO CHANCE THIS IS COINCIDENCE!

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i've been following some of the q posts and it just always amazes me how they knew all this 2 years before it happened. it blows my mind!

Love Jesus, my family, my country! Patriot fighting for America against all enemies foreign & domestic! GOD SAVE AMERICA & PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Outstanding presentation/breakdown of Qdrops and proofs!

Mathematically inconceivable to correctly predict this many unimaginable variables years in advance ... would be like winning the lottery 17 times in a row (using the same numbers)!