I seriously just can’t. Believe what you want and I am not ever going to try and change your mind. But at least be bold enough to ask the secondary and tertiary question. This video proves absolutely nothing but that ice walls exist. Do you have locations on each of these photos. They could have all been taken in Greenland for all you know. Pushing this as evidence is foolish and irresponsible. It proves nothing because it means nothing.
The earth was predicted to be round from experiments done in 240bc. Eratosthenes did several experiments and was able to predict the earths circumference to an alarmingly accurate degree. But because CGI is used to render a picture of the globe from deep space, it’s a lie!?! Not everything is a conspiracy. You are free to believe what you want but this is not ebidencw- its the same garbage propoganda MSM uses against us. Be better than them and bring actual evidence- not photo mantages with music.