Follow he who said, "I am the way, and the truth, the life."
The human heart is vulnerable and susceptible to deception. Tyrants know this and employ every means to mislead and misdirect -sowing chaos/fear/mistrust/lies. The goals? a) render a permanent inability to discern and b)'program' what the masses NOTICE.
Facts alone are not powerful enough to change a mind and win the heart. So many examples, won't list here. Facts are on our side.
We also know humans have a "wiring" system which runs on autopilot. This involves various functions of the body, but also has to do with what we NOTICE versus the sea of data continuously bombarding us - within and without - asleep and awake.
So, pay attention to what you NOTICE. (good, bad, solutions, problems, reasons for strength/fear, hope/doubt etc...)
"Seek and you will find." What are we seeking? What are we finding? We can recalibrate!
When you make a person feel loved, you open the doorway to change and unleash the power to destroy tyranny!
Spend your attention, actions (and money
Spend your actions, attention, and money wisely.