Mr. Pool 🇺🇸🦅
Please Stand By . 📺
Praying for EBS to come soon . 🎬
Let’s get this party started . 🍿🍿🍿
#MAGA#wwg1wga#EnjoyTheShow .

God bless the USA. Love our country, our vibes & honored to be on the battlefield & connecting with all of you. Experience of a lifetime!
In response Lila Walker to her Publication
Doing the same for me - I think it did go down! Tried on Chrome, Edge and IE.

In response Lila Walker to her Publication

Not a globalist-commie so no more Twitter. I believe in We The People. More likely to get shot in Chicago than die from the scamdemic.
In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication
Of course I thought it was me just getting censored (again) for loving my country. I had only been back on the Twit for less than 24 hrs. Hope miss it! Thanks Maverick! 😎