This isn't a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend. This is my sister-in-law.
And at this point, after many warnings from my wife, we aren't sad. We are enfuriated while watching loved ones literally commit assisted suicide. I just hope they include us in their wills. 🤷♂️#sorrynotsorry

My family in Britain and Canada have all took the lethal shot now, only my Husband and I and his 2 daughters have not. Last summer I dared to mention hydroxchlorocuine to my sister-inlaw, she jumped down my throat, "Don't mention that to me, it killed an old couple" she said. She hates DJT and listens to fake news, she seems to think she knows so much more than I do, she is totally brainwashed. All we can do at this point is hope for the best for everyone, but I shake my head when I think about her comment. She would not take a pill that's been on the market 60 plus years, yet she will take a shot that's not even been tested on rats. The insurance companies must be rubbing their hands together at this point, God Bless everyone stay safe, and be happy knowing we are part of the resistance.👊🙏

It's hard to get people to think rationally.
I'm in a similar situation.
2 Points to your comment...
1.) The Old Couple that died, if she's thinking about what I'm thinking, the idiots took fish tank cleaner.
2.) Insurance companies are not rubbing their hands. Insurance policies are null & void if you get the vax.
My sister in-law said the senior couple took hydroxychloroquine, I have no idea where she heard that. My point on insurance companies rubbing hands together, refers to the fact that they will not have to pay out on ANY policy, if the person had the so called vaccine. Insurance companies always try to get out of paying out, and these shots give them every reason.

Got it about the Insurance Co.s
Here is an article to the fish tank cleaner...
Police investigating case of Arizona man who died after ingesting fish tank cleaner | Fox News
Police are investigating the death of an Arizona man who died last month after he and his wife drank a cocktail of soda and the drug chloroquine phosphate in a supposed effort to fight the coronavirus.