I’m a Proud Patriot Harley Riding Plumber from Canada trying to offer support & Fight the Good Fight! DS & Affiliates R Going Down! Thank Q

Love God,myfamily&mycountry, pro-life,pro-2A,anti-vaxxer,#FamilyIsEverything,#digital soldier,anon,mom,grandma,Godalways wins,JFKjrlives❤
I take it twice a day

Patriot, Conservative, Prayer Warrior, PureBlood! ...Love & Gratitude ... Kind heart, fierce mind, brave spirit !
OK, spill the beans - how much (dosage) - where do you get colloidal silver, would love to know more about C.S. 🙂

Love God,myfamily&mycountry, pro-life,pro-2A,anti-vaxxer,#FamilyIsEverything,#digital soldier,anon,mom,grandma,Godalways wins,JFKjrlives❤

Patriot, Conservative, Prayer Warrior, PureBlood! ...Love & Gratitude ... Kind heart, fierce mind, brave spirit !
Thank you, Noelle ! Been hearing about this recently! Have a great Friday! ☀️ 💫 💞
I really felt a difference with this. I hope what little little info I have from my OEM experience helps. Hope your Friday is fantastic as well!