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I believe in Jesus, the way and the truth and the life !
Signal needs only a phone number and no other personal data unlike like Telegram or Whatsapp.,with%20a%204%2Ddigit%20passphrase.
WhatsApp vs Signal vs Telegram: Things No One Told You, To Download Signal Or Not?
WhatsApp has been facing a lot of heat since it rolled out the latest Privacy Policy updates. The Facebook-owned company has been backlashed by several users over privacy concerns, and people are looking for Whatsapp alternatives. Are Signal and Telegram good enough to replace WhatsApp? We find out...,with%20a%204%2Ddigit%20passphrase.Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
It is also the app that is used by BLM and Antifa as a form of communication. I do not understand this because it is stupidity to use a form of communication that your enemy is aware of and monitors. These people are not smart.
I believe in Jesus, the way and the truth and the life !
According to E. Snowden Signal is secured even if used by Patriots. It can be understood since there is no central server (like Whatsapp of FB messenger) for saving text. I use signal and copies of my text are only on my devices. You can even set a timer and messages will disappear thereafter (like Mission Impossible :-). However if you want better confidentiality you can used apps like encrypto to cipher any kind of files with a shared Key.
I know you have been told differently and many people think that way but Snowden is not a hero. He is a turncoat who got hundreds of agents killed, one was a personal friend. He used the release of information as a cover to steal something very valuable and use it against America. If you know what@jack is to Obama than you know what I am referring to. Edward Snowden needs to be hung by his neck until dead. He will never be pardoned and if he ever does see America again it will be in shackles until he is put to death.
I believe in Jesus, the way and the truth and the life !
Yes I agree with you. Snowden used his IT skills against humanity and NSA for the account of the CIA that's why he is in big trouble. I cite him only for his IT skills (not personal motive) about using Signal apps.
Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Roger that. Good to see someone else who doesn't think he's a hero. To me if MSM says he's a hero and that DJT is a villain, that should be a dead give away.