Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Signal needs only a phone number and no other personal data unlike like Telegram or Whatsapp.,with%20a%204%2Ddigit%20passphrase.
WhatsApp vs Signal vs Telegram: Things No One Told You, To Download Signal Or Not?
WhatsApp has been facing a lot of heat since it rolled out the latest Privacy Policy updates. The Facebook-owned company has been backlashed by several users over privacy concerns, and people are looking for Whatsapp alternatives. Are Signal and Telegram good enough to replace WhatsApp? We find out...,with%20a%204%2Ddigit%20passphrase.Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
It is also the app that is used by BLM and Antifa as a form of communication. I do not understand this because it is stupidity to use a form of communication that your enemy is aware of and monitors. These people are not smart.
I believe in Jesus, the way and the truth and the life !
According to E. Snowden Signal is secured even if used by Patriots. It can be understood since there is no central server (like Whatsapp of FB messenger) for saving text. I use signal and copies of my text are only on my devices. You can even set a timer and messages will disappear thereafter (like Mission Impossible :-). However if you want better confidentiality you can used apps like encrypto to cipher any kind of files with a shared Key.