Covid 19 was a bioweapon created by China and used against The United States of America to harm an election year and the US Economy. China / The Democratic Party and even Bill Gates needs to be held accoutable for this ScamDEMic / PLANdemic which is also#CrimesAgainstHumanity - We must continue to share whatever information we can and we must contine to stand for our great country!! God Bless you Patriots and thank you for continuing to#FightBack for holding the line!!!#wwg1wga#MAGA#COVID19#TheGreatAwakening 🇺🇸🦅🙏🏼✝️❤️

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I am Trump supporting conservative. Patriot!

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

it was made in unc chapel hill north caroliva, when it got held up as not a good thing obozo helped get it to wuhan and funneled billions to pay for research to continue. Faucci sling eith others own the patent on it.

Humble danish seeker of truth. Never felt the need untill the scamdemic was introduced. Had no idea I was in for such a humongus eye opener.

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

WIONews told us early april '20

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

share it

May love, light, peace, hope, and the righteous shine through all else! 🕵🏻‍♂️Always discern for yourself #Savethechildren

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

been away for a while. Celebrating 4 years out of the medical industry. Much has changed...

In response Inn Wonderland to his Publication
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Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

Well spoken. Everyone needs to wake up now.

“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

More than that, the China Virus has been used to enslave the entire world - "the great reset."

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

warp speed is vaccinations

Inspiring red-pill music videos set to familiar tunes. YT channel recently nuked. #WWG1WGA #DigitalSoldier #MusicIsPowerful #MAGA

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication