: I-Am: Soverei..
@Qarmy_AnonIf they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mer...

Detective RedPa..
@RealPersonJedi🛡⚔️TRUMP | KAG | [Z] Citizen Journalist | 1Q49 God Crew | FightBack **🥊** 🇺🇲🦅 [https://www.navair.navy.mil/foia/docume...

John Qpublic
@JamesbridgebuilderLove can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to j...

Enchanted Merma..
@PygmyGazettePatriot, Digital soldier, Anon, Memer, Empath, WWG1WGA, MAGA,, NRA, SAVETHECHILDREN, God Wins, Trump is my President...

Jim French
@CircuitridersVeteran and proud to be an American, MAGA, WWG1WGA, NCSWIC, Constitutional Republic we are!!!!! GOD is in control, foll...

QPatriot17 #WWG..
@QPatriot17Make Free #Bitcoin Hourly: https://freebitco.in/?r=3013476 Telegram: https://t.me/QPatriot17

@mar0niiU.S Army Veteran, Law Enforcement Officer #ArmStrong #thinBlueLine #GlockFamily # MAGA

My Balcony Gard..
@mybalconygardenEach day it is necessary that we feed our bodies with food to nourish ourselves. It is also important that we feed the m...

Patricia Curing..
@PattiI'm here because I'm a believer. God, country, Q the Plan and family. Save the children! I follow all

Common Sense An..
@lookcommonsenseStarseed-Lightworker-Empath I follow Jesus/Yeshua TEXAN And Retired farmer, Grandma, Trump is my PRESIDENT - PROUD TO BE...

r363l l10n
@r363ll10n🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reaso...

Mac 691
@Mac691#WWG1WGA #QAnon #DigitalSoldiers #JFKjrLives #KGA #SaveTheKids #Maga #TheGreatAwakening anonup.com/@Mac691

Christopher Smi..
@blessedpatriotUnapologetic Conservative from Cedar Rapids, IA who loves GOD, country, President Trump, & Patriots.

Jonella Moore
@JonellaMI’ve been AWAKE since 1980, and have researched for 40 years. I’m a veteran of 4ch, 8ch and 8KUN. I now only have accoun...

Cord Archangel
@CordlesssssMany here are bots. I'm as real as it gets as seen here. https://anonup.com/thread/1669217

Johnny Edwards
@JEdwardsMinistries411Reformed in Theology, Partial preterist in Eschatology, Presuppositionalist in Apologetic, Systematic in my Hermeneutic&...

@America_FIRST1766 years Treading the Earth;50 years in Public Service;25 as Paramedic; CHRIST Makes Life Amazing WWG1WGA, The Power is ...

Rockunder Water
@RockunderwaterMiracles Happen Every Day When You Live In The Now Of Pray Pray Pray And Paradise Is Heaven On Earth And Family Is Every...

Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
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@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
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@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more