Vladimir Putin Speech to the World 4/11/21
Confirms all suspicions about the Cabal:
“I know your satanic plans to reduce the population of the planet. If the USA and Europe don’t stop your plans immediately, you will not only face God’s wrath, but mine too.” - Vladimir Putin
Amazing times when the Imperial ruler of Mother Russia is more of a freedom fighter than the “leader of the free world” FALSE POTUS - JBDN.
Welcome to the resistance, welcome to the movement, welcome to THE GREAT AWAKENING!
When I entered "Vladimir Putin Speech to the World 4/11/21" there was only one link confirming this. O.N.E. Putin has been outspoken esp in DAVOS, calling out the NWO idea as self indulgent ... so this speech is not far off, just not publicly corroborated, as of yet, perhaps soon ... given he is an ally, meaning his enemies are our enemies.