Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
If Nana can forgive the man driving the truck that caused the wreck that killed my 28yrold son there is no reason why everyone here can not forgive the things going on here now,
If you have a problem with forgiveness you need to sit down tonight & watch the movie "the shack" & learn about why God forgives us all of all our sins & we should do the same.
Why would you expect God to forgive your sins if you can not do the same for others.
Judgement is the Lord's. Does he have a special place for ppl that torture children for an opportunity to repair their souls, no doubt in my mind he does, but that is up to God & that evil soul.
He forgives us all because WE ARE ALL HIS CHILDREN.
Is there really anything that your child could ever do that you would not forgive them of it?
While I would be so disappointed in my child there is nothing, NOTHING I can think of that I would not forgive them of if they asked for forgiveness.
Love & compassion without fear is what moves the timeline.
never saw "The Shack" but the Bible can do one better!
Sorry for your loss.
You have a big heart.
You should watch it I promise it will put a new perspective on forgiveness, it surely did for me. I would have never imagined the pain and forgiveness coming for some evil man that had deliberately murdered my child. Even writing these words now having been so long since I saw it makes me NEED to watch it again.
Bring tissues!
Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou