If you can crack the secret hidden deep in the rainbow, then you know how deep the lies really were. Think big. Satan tried defiling the rainbow for this very reason. Unfortunately Hillary wasn't able to shatter the glass ceiling. We win because we won. Enjoy the show.#NCSWIC

I am a faithful follower of God, Jesus & The Holy Spirit! Patriot;Q & Trump supporter! Author of “Lady In Waiting For The Promises Of God”!
Please enlighten us on the Rainbow!
watch this video, it talks about rainbows starting at the 43 minute mark.....It blew my mind!! https://www.bitchute.com/video/7d03557ycOJe/

🇺🇸 Proud American 🇺🇸 #2A #1A Constitutional Conservative DAR 🚫DMs XTwit: https://twitter.com/1MaidenAmerica
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