My final attempt to wake up my sleeping industry associates in tech. https://martingeddes.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&c=11&m=17
Digital warriors LOOK AT THE DATA; fools do not
https://martingeddes.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&c=11&m=17Martin. I hope you have patented your ideas how to develop technology which actually does what it is intended to do straight out of the box. The captains of industry would probably club together to buy you out. Nobody will ever be allowed to produce a light bulb which lasts for ever! It could be risky, though. You have to accept the deal or you go the way of the guy who made the car engine which ran on water. As as aside, I tried to tell that story to a friend. Her response was unexpected. "We would run out of water!" It must be alien mind control.