My final attempt to wake up my sleeping industry associates in tech. https://martingeddes.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&c=11&m=17
Digital warriors LOOK AT THE DATA; fools do not
https://martingeddes.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&c=11&m=17I think we are both missing the main lesson of modern capitalism. The most profitable product line consists of faulty products sold to an unsuspecting public through clever advertising and fake celebrity endorsements. The profit is made by selling them a service plan and essential "security" upgrades when the purchased product starts ruining their lives. With carefully engineered bugs, the product can be made to self-destruct to require a new investment in another load of sloppily manufactured crap. Did you think I was talking about computer technology? Not necessarily. It applies just as much to junk food/Big Pharma.