My final attempt to wake up my sleeping industry associates in tech. https://martingeddes.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&c=11&m=17
Digital warriors LOOK AT THE DATA; fools do not
https://martingeddes.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&c=11&m=17Thank you Martin. Excellent stuff. My thoughts exactly applicable to technology, politics and medicine, my areas of experience. Only one of my surviving colleagues from university is prepared to use the precautionary principle we were taught. Many (now retired veterinarians) are queuing up to become vaccinators. I have said all the things you have said, to zero effect. It must be more than stupidity. They must be truly parasitised by a resilient mind control which denies them logical thought processes. I suspect it is more than just repetition of lies in the media. Something physical has been done to most of humanity. Is it done with vaccines, chemtrails, fluoride, artificial sweeteners, human meat at MacDonalds? Who knows, but can you explain why we can see around it? Why are we chosen to be doomed to have to watch the carnage?