April 5th the Vedic Day of Awakening. It is time for conclusion of this long drawn saga of the" Human Experiment" by the bad guys.
Just observations that hopefully everyone is seeing.
4321 - 0 Day today.
The Navy showed 11.3.
Pool showed EBS 4/4 - 4/6
Pool is doing a countdown of who is followers. He is at 3 today.
Stock Market is open Monday.
6pm is going to be dangerous at some stage soon.
Vatican Empty
Sydney Opera House Empty
Buckingham Palace is boarded up
WhiteHouse is empty & fenced off..
Capitol Hill Fenced off due to the attack..
You get famous in Hollywood by making deals with the devil. You get to Congress and are reelected by making deals with the DS, CCP, and elites. The swamp was deep. If your favorite Congressman doesn't pull through, it's for a good reason. Justice is the goal.
33.3Kviewsedited 00:11
If someone is giving you a date and time, run for the