Mike Pompeo Tweet connects to
Jeremiah 29 which connects to QD 29 then connects to another Mike Pompeo tweet quoting Jeremiah 29. How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
MP Tweet - God always has a plan even when things seem dark (nothing’s darker than the subject of QD-29).
QD 29 - The pedo networks are being dismantled, child abductions for satanic rituals are paused. We pray for God’s guidance & direction up against pure evil.
Jeremiah 29 - I know the plans I have for you, plans of welfare, not evil, plans to give you hope & a future (prayer for guidance & direction).
“We will not rest until we’ve stopped every last human trafficker and liberated every single last survivor.” - Donald J. Trump
these are great words, and great work by you as always but they are just that - words. trust but verify. how do we verify, where are all these kids, what hospital are they going to, what child trauma specialists/shrinks are treating them? what families are adopting them. all these people and institutions are involved and not a single word of it gets out to the public? wouldn't that be a great way to wake people up? just some simple questions I'll wait for the blistering attacks lol. after all talk is cheap

don't conflate faith in God with faith in any man-made movement. don't pull that crap with me man. Trust God not man. I trust God, I have faith in God. i desire, i hope i pray TO God that q comes true - daily - but i am asking questions and you're deflecting just like a liberal - it's a very bill clinton-like answer lol. don't deflect - those are direct questions and you can't give direct answers. why? we don't why, could be a good reason could be its all bs. do i want q to come true of course! but you can't provide me with a reasonable verification. that doesn't mean it isn't happening, it doesn't mean it is - it means either outcome is possible. it's not a faith question it's a reliability question. are these people reliable! are they doing what they say they're doing or is this something else?